EDUC 100 - Exploring Education: Teaching as a Profession3 Credit: (3 lecture, 0 lab, 0 clinical) 3 Contact Hours: [Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 3 ] This introductory course is designed to provide prospective teacher-education students with the opportunity to explore the teaching profession. Exploration includes a minimum of ten hours of field experience in PK-12 schools in addition to scheduled class hours. OFFERED: fall semesters
For additional elementary education courses, see ARTS, MATH and MUSI.
Course Goals/ Objectives/ Competencies: Goal 1: Analyze their motivation, personal and professional characteristics, ethics, and dispositions as they relate to becoming a professional educator.
- Reflect on their own educational history and how it can affect the type of teacher they become.
- Examine teachers’ rights and responsibilities as they perform their professional duties.
Goal 2: Identify the components of the teacher education preparation program at the university level.
- Identify examples of the academic language associated with teacher education.
- Examine the requirements of the State of Michigan for earning a teaching certificate.
Goal 3: Explore PK-12 educational settings.
- Observe in PK-12 educational settings.
- Discuss the educational setting with PK-12 teachers and preservice teacher peers.
Goal 4: Evaluate the PK-12 environment for the impact of physical space, teaching, and learning.
- Examine the relationship between curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
- Examine factors that might influence a student’s success in school.
- Examine the impact of available resources on learning.
Goal 5: Explore professional development opportunities available as a preservice teacher.
- Explore the support systems that are in place for new and preservice teachers.
- Discuss the lifelong learning needs of teachers.
Goal 6: Justify an informed decision about becoming a professional educator.
- Describe the demands of teaching.
- Examine how well their personal qualitites fit the demands of teaching.
Goal 7: Apply the skills of collaboration in the educational context.
- Describe the roles of communication and collaboration for professionals in an educational setting.
- Practice professional communication and collaboration with peers and mentor teachers.
Goal 8: Apply the awareness of diversity in the educational context.
- Explain why teachers must have an understanding of their students’ lives through a lens of their ethnic, cultural, and daily life experiences.
- Assess the importance of knowing who students are, what their lives are like, and how they learn best.
- Examine factors that may hinder a student’s success in school.
- Discuss how classrooms with diverse students can share a common set of beliefs, values, and goals.
Goal 9: Articulate an awareness of issues facing prospective teachers in American education.
- Examine how history informs issues facing teachers today.
- Identity issues that impact a teacher’s job.
- Explore how technology impacts the classroom.
- Explore how legislation impacts the classroom.
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