CPGM 131 - Introduction to Programming C++4 Credit: (4 lecture, 0 lab, 0 clinical) 4 Contact Hours: [CMIS 101 and Math Level 3 ] This course investigates problem solving using the C++ programming language. Emphasis is on input/output, iteration, pointers, arrays, constants and variables, arithmetic operations and expressions. This class focuses on the development of basic program design using fundamental program structures. OFFERED: spring semesters
Course Goals/ Objectives/ Competencies: Goal 1: Structured problem-solving techniques and design.
- Define programming structures.
- Sequence
- Selection
- If
- If then Else
- Nested If structure
- Repetition
- Do While
- Do Until
- For Next
- Selection
- Nested looping structures
- Define program variables.
- Develop a program algorithm.
- Translate program algorithms into C++ code.
- Create IPO Charts to define program parameters.
- Apply desk checking techniques to analyze program algorithms.
- Differentiate between syntactical and logical coding errors.
Goal 2: Be familiar with and develop programs using the C++ programming environment.
- Define Visual Studio .NET, C++file structure.
- Solution
- Project
- File
- Explain the difference between Window and Console solutions.
- Execute a program build.
- Execute a program start.
- Implement break points.
- Initiate step-into and step-over process.
- Complete save process for files and projects.
Goal 3: Implement a process of problem-solving, testing, and debugging for the development of C++ programs.
- Debug program algorithm prior to coding.
- Debug C++ code when presented with an inaccurate program.
- Logical
- Syntactical
- Enter completed C++code into Visual Studio .NET
- Use Output Window to identify program errors following the build process.
- Debug program errors following unsuccessful build.
- Employ the use of known test data to determine program success.
- Implement coding corrections to create an accurate, error free C++ program.
Goal 4: Successfully produce error-free user applications using the C++ program language to solve specific business problems.
- Define #include directives.
- <iostream>, <string>, <algorithm>, <iomanip><ctime>
- Define using std:: statements.
- Cout, cin, endl, string, setprecision, ios, setiosflags
- Use Output Window to identify program errors following the build process.
- Double, int, char, string, bool, float
- Define the Array Process.
- Define OOP terminology.
- Classes, objects, attributes, behaviors, encapsulation, abstraction, instances and polymorphism
- Apply appropriate repetitive structures in C++ program.
- Apply appropriate selection structures in C++ program.
- Create a C++ program which successfully creates an object within a class.
- Apply the use of user defined functions.
- Void functions
- Parameter passing functions
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