Explain Anatomy & Physiology |
I.P.3 |
Perform patient screening u sing established protocols |
Explain Concepts of Effective Communication |
V.C.7 |
Recognize elements of fundamental writing skills |
V.C.8 |
Discuss applications of electronic technology in professional communication |
V.C.16 |
Differentiate between subjective and objective information |
V.P.4 |
Coach patients regarding: |
a. |
office policies |
V.P.6 |
Demonstrate professional telephone techniques |
V.P.7 |
Document telephone messages accurately |
V.P.8 |
Compose professional correspondence utilizing electronic technology |
Explain Administrative Functions |
VI.C.1 |
Identify different types of appointment scheduling methods |
VI.C.2 |
Identify advantages and disadvantages of the following appointment systems |
a. |
manual |
b. |
electronic |
Identify critical information required for scheduling patient procedures |
VI.C.4 |
Define types of information contained in the patient’s medical record |
VI.C.5 |
Identify methods of organizing the patient’s medical record based on: |
a. |
problem-oriented medical record (POMR) |
b. |
source-oriented medical record (SOMR) |
VI.C.6 |
Identify equipment and supplies needed for medical records in order to: |
a. |
create |
b. |
maintain |
c. |
store |
VI.C.7 |
Describe filing indexing rules |
VI.C.8 |
Differentiate between electronic medical records (EMR) and a practice management system |
VI.C.9 |
Explain the purpose of routine maintenance of administrative and clinical equipment |
VI.C.10 |
List steps involved in completing an inventory |
VI.C.11 |
Explain the importance of data back-up |
VI.C.12 |
Explain meaningful use as it applies to EMR |
VI.P.1 |
Management appointment schedule using established priorities |
VI.P.2 |
Schedule a patient procedure |
VI.P.3 |
Create a patient’s medical record |
VI.P.4 |
Organize a patient’s medical record |
VI.P.5 |
File patient medical records |
VI.P.6 |
Utilize an EMR |
VI.P.7 |
Input patient data utilizing a practice management system |
VI.P.8 |
Perform routine maintenance of administrative or clinical equipment |
VI.P.9 |
Perform an inventory with documentation |
VI.A.1 |
Display sensitivity when managing appointments |
Explain Basic Practice Finances |
VII.C.1 |
Define the following bookkeeping terms: |
a. |
charges |
b. |
payments |
c. |
accounts receivable |
d. |
accounts payable |
e. |
adjustments |
VII.C.2 |
Describe banking procedures as related to the ambulatory care setting |
VII.C.3 |
Identify precautions for accepting the following types of payments: |
a. |
cash |
b. |
check |
c. |
credit card |
d. |
debit card |
VII.C.4 |
Describe types of adjustments made to patient accounts including: |
a. |
non-sufficient funds (NSF) check |
b. |
collection agency transaction |
c. |
credit balance |
d. |
third party |
VII.C.5 |
Identify types of information contained in the patient’s billing record |
VII.C.6 |
Explain patient financial obligations for services rendered |
VII.P.1 |
Perform accounts receivable procedures to patient accounts including posting: |
a. |
charges |
b. |
payments |
c. |
adjustments |
VII.P.2 |
Prepare a bank deposit |
VII.P.3 |
Obtain accurate patient billing information |
VII.P.4 |
Inform a patient of financial obligations for services rendered |
VII.A.1 |
Demonstrate professionalism when discussing patient’s billing record |
VII.A.2 |
Display sensitivity when requesting payment for services rendered |
Explain Legal Implications |
X.C.9 |
List and discuss legal and illegal applicant interview questions |
X.P.2 |
Apply HIPAA rules in regard to: |
a. |
privacy |
b. |
release of information |
X.A.2 |
Protect the integrity of the medical record |
Explain Protective Practices |
XII.C.7 |
Identify principles of: |
a. |
body mechanics |
b. |
ergonomics |