2016 - 2017 Catalog 
    Oct 22, 2024  
2016 - 2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Procedures


MCC e-mail, and the MyMontcalm web portal, are the official and primary means of communication with students. Students are responsible for all information in their MCC e-mail and MyMontcalm accounts. Students are required to use the MyMontcalm web portal to conduct business over a secure connection, and to gather information necessary to all students.

Semester System

Montcalm Community College operates on the basis of two semesters per year. The fall semester begins in August and is completed in December. The spring semester begins in January and ends in May. MCC also offers an accelerated summer session that runs from June to early August. Some courses may begin and/or end outside of the designated semester or session dates.

Student Classification System

A freshman is a student who has completed fewer than 25 semester hours of study. A sophomore is a student who has completed at least 25 semester hours of study, but who has not yet qualified for an associate degree or a certificate.

A full-time student is one who enrolls for 12 or more credit hours per semester. Enrollment in 9 to 11.99 credit hours is considered three-quarter time and enrollment in 6 to 8.99 credit hours is half-time. If a student wishes to take more than 18 credit hours in a semester they should meet with an academic counselor or advisor.

Full time status for summer session is 6 or more credit hours. If students wish to take more than 9 hours of coursework during a summer session, then they should consult an academic advisor or counselor. This may vary for financial aid purposes.

Program Planning

In planning for program completion, students should use counseling and advising services, faculty, the MCC catalog, semester class schedules and online resources. Some courses are offered every semester while others are available on an irregular basis, as outlined in the catalog course descriptions.

Program of Study Selection

Selection of a program of study should take place prior to initial registration.  To change a program of study, students must complete, and submit to Student Services, a Change of Program form.  Program Change forms may be obtained in Student Services, the Student Success Center, or in MyMontcalm. The MCC Catalog lists specific courses required for program completion. Exceptions to any program requirements will be made only by the dean of the appropriate academic division of the college and must be authorized in writing on a Course Waiver/Substitution form. Students are encouraged to meet with counselors or advisors when changing their programs.

Catalog of Record

A student has five years to complete a program under the MCC catalog in effect at the time of initial MCC acceptance, and/or after a change of program. If program requirements change in response to demands of external regulatory agencies or governing boards, students must adhere to the updated program.

Students pursuing more than one program are considered, for both programs, to be under the catalog of record effective for the last program change.

Upon completion of program requirements, students who wish to receive diplomas and have the completion of a degree or certificate verified and noted on their transcripts must submit individual Applications for Graduation. This electronic form is located in My Montcalm, and is available each year from October 15 through December 15, February 15 through April 15, and May 15 through June 15.


Registration for classes takes place during a designated period prior to the start of each semester. Changes to schedules may be made any time during scheduled registration dates; please refer to Dropping and Adding Classes below for additional information. Registration for a class that does not meet for the regular full semester schedule will be allowed until the beginning date of the class.

Registration may be completed either online or in-person. Students are responsible for meeting course pre- and corequisites, which are indicated in the catalog course descriptions.

Students wishing to audit a course must declare the intention by submitting a Course Audit Form at the time of registration (see audit information below). Any change to this status must be made with Student Services before the end of the drop period that applies to the course. Financial aid does not pay for audited courses, and audited courses do not transfer to other educational institutions.

Registration is complete when tuition and fees are paid in full through cash, check, credit card, NelNet payment plan or estimated financial aid. Estimated aid will be applied to the student account and the student is responsible for any remaining balance. The payment deadline must be met in order to remain enrolled in classes.

Dropping and Adding Classes

After registration, students may drop or add classes during the regular registration period, as designated in MyMontcalm. After classes begin, students may add a course only until the class first meets; once a class has met, enrollment is closed for that class. For classes without regularly scheduled meeting times, the class is considered as having met at midnight of the first Wednesday of the semester or session. If a student seeks to add a class after the first meeting, the student must meet with a counselor or advisor to make that request. Final drop dates are noted in MyMontcalm and noted for each course on the individual student’s schedule (a printable pdf version) in MyMontcalm. All tuition and fees are refunded for classes dropped during the drop period.

Withdrawal Procedures

Students may withdraw from a course until the last class meeting, unless stated otherwise in the course syllabus. To discontinue a class after the end of the late drop period, students must:

  1. Obtain a Withdrawal Form from the Student Services Office, complete the required information and present the form to the instructor;
  2. Speak with the instructor, and arrange for the instructor to sign and date the Withdrawal form;
  3. Return the form to the Student Services Office upon completion.

A withdrawal grade has no effect on grade point average but may impact financial aid eligibility. Tuition and fees will not be refunded for withdrawal.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend all sessions of classes in which they are registered. Absence from classes shall not relieve students from the responsibility to complete assigned work. Students enrolled in online courses are expected to regularly participate as outlined in the course syllabus.

Grading System

Academic achievement is appraised and recorded by the following system of letter grades:



*Quality Point Value

  A 4.0
  A- 3.7
  B+ 3.3
  B 3.0
  B- 2.7
  C+ 2.3
  C 2.0
  C- 1.7
  D+ 1.3
  D 1.0
  D- .7
  E 0.0
  W Withdrew
  EN Never Attended
  I Incomplete
  V Audit
  S Satisfactory completion
  U Unsatisfactory completion
  UN Unsatisfactory completion, never attended
  AR Articulated credit
  TR Transferred credit

*Quality Points are used to calculate the numerical value of grades earned. To calculate the Grade Point Average (GPA), total quality points are divided by the total GPA hours/credits earned at MCC.

Incomplete Grade

An Incomplete (I) is a temporary grade given when a student has completed the majority of the work required for the course but, due to extenuating circumstances, cannot complete the necessary assignments by the end of the semester. The assignment of an Incomplete (I) indicates the instructor’s belief that the student can complete requirements without repeating the course. The student must be passing the course to be eligible for an I grade.

Instructors must arrange for a mutual agreement with the student to use an I grade.  This agreement will be reflected in an Incomplete Grade Contract form which must be completed and submitted to the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services prior to the grades-due-date of any given semester or session.  If the student is unable to participate in the execution of the contract, the instructor will consult with the appropriate academic Dean or Vice President to determine the parameters of the contract, which should represent the best interests of the student within college policies.


  1. Incomplete Contract forms are available for instructors in MyMontcalm.
  2. When an Incomplete Grade Contract form is submitted to the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services, an (I) grade is entered on the student’s record. The (I) will not be entered without the contract.
  3. An (I) grade will remain until course requirements are satisfied and a Grade Change form is received by the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services, or until the deadline for completion has passed. If course requirements are not met by the deadline, the (I) grade will be changed according to the terms of the Incomplete Grade contract. If the course requirements are not met by the end of the subsequent semester or session, a new Incomplete Grade contract must be completed between the student and faculty member.  Under no circumstances shall the time for completion of course requirements extend past one year from the date of receipt of the original (I) grade.
    1. Students receiving Veterans’ benefits who receive an (I) grade may have up to one year to complete the course without repaying the VA for the class.
  4. An (I) grade is not averaged with other grades to establish grade point average. At the conclusion of the contract, the student’s GPA will be recalculated with the final grade.
  5. Students desiring assistance with this process or who wish to appeal the parameters of the policy may contact the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services.

Auditing a Course

A Course Audit applies when a student pays tuition for a course but is not required to complete assignments or examinations. Audit status must be declared in writing to Student Services no later than the last day of the drop period for the course.

Repeated Course

If a course is repeated, the higher grade earned for the course will be computed in the GPA. Credit will be given only once for a course. The grade earned for an equivalent course taken at another institution will not remove the grade of the MCC course from computation in the GPA. Some programs may have limitations on the number of times a course may be repeated. Students should check with the Financial Aid Office to determine if repeated courses are covered by financial aid funds.

Ungraded Courses

S (satisfactory completion) and U (unsatisfactory completion) grades are used only for the following courses: CMIS 100 , CRIM 115  and GNST 115 . (These are subject to change.) An S grade will also be given when a student tests out of a course for credit.

Assigning of grades is the complete and irrevocable responsibility of each instructor.

Academic Appeal

Students who believe that they have been issued an incorrect or unfair grade for a course or courses completed at MCC have access to the following appeal provisions:

  1. Within 30 calendar days of the date that grades are issued, the student must provide the instructor who issued the grade with a written explanation of the grade concern and schedule a meeting to discuss the concern. At that meeting, the faculty member will review his or her grading policy with the student and explain to the student the rationale for the grade issued. Directly after the meeting, the instructor will render a written response to the student’s appeal. Students desiring additional information or assistance with this process should contact the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services. If the student is satisfied with the decision of the faculty member, the grade as issued or as changed by the faculty member will become a permanent part of the student’s official transcript. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the faculty member he/she will, within 14 calendar days of the faculty decision, make a written request for a review of the decision to the Dean of Student & Enrollment Services (DSES).

  2. Upon receiving a written request for review, the DSES will conduct a review of circumstances, possibly involving a meeting with the student and the faculty member, or each individually, to seek a remedy. If the decision is to deny the appeal, the DSES will render a written response to the student’s appeal. If the DSES does not believe enough evidence exists to deny the appeal, the DSES will advance the appeal to the Chief Academic Officer. If the student is satisfied with the decision of the DSES, documentation of this decision, along with all other written communication from this appeal process, will become a permanent part of the student’s official academic record. If the student is dissatisfied with the decision of the instructional administrator, he/she will, within five calendar days of the decision, request in writing a hearing with the Chief Academic Officer (CAO).

  3. Upon receiving a written request for review by the student, or by advancement from the DSES, the CAO will meet with the student and the faculty member together, or each individually, within 10 working days of the written request from the student. Upon review of all evidence, issues and concerns, the CAO will render a decision. If the decision is to deny the appeal, the CAO will render a written response to the student’s appeal. If the CAO does not believe enough evidence exists to deny the appeal, the CAO will appoint a three-member ad-hoc committee (made up of full-time faculty) to review the evidence and provide a recommendation. After consulting with the committee, the CAO will render a written response to the student’s appeal. In either case, the decision is binding and cannot be appealed further. Documentation of this decision, along with all other written communication from this appeal process, will become a permanent part of the student’s official academic record.


Each semester’s honors list includes students who complete at least 12 semester hours in the semester and attain a grade point average of 3.3 to 3.69. The President’s Honors List includes students who complete at least 12 semester hours in the semester with a GPA of 3.7 or higher. Part-time honors lists are based on the same GPAs and include students who complete at least six credits in the semester. Honors lists are not generated during the summer session.

Graduation honors published in the commencement program and local newspapers are calculated based on the GPA of the previous semester, as spring semester grades are not due until after commencement. At the time program completion is verified, students will have honors or high honors noted on their transcripts based on final GPA calculation noted above.

Academic Probation and Dismissal

  1. The minimum GPA required for satisfactory progress is 2.0.
  2. Students with an accumulated GPA below a 2.0 will be placed on academic probation.
  3. Students on academic probation who do not earn at least a 2.0 GPA for their next attempted semester will be subject to academic dismissal.
  4. Students on academic probation or dismissal who earn at least a 2.0 GPA for their next attempted semester, but whose accumulated GPA remains below 2.0, will continue on probation or dismissal until the accumulated GPA reaches a 2.0 or higher.
  5. Students placed on academic dismissal must complete the Application for Readmission to be considered for readmission. This application is located at www.montcalm.edu/readmission.
  6. Students who remain on academic probation for two consecutive semesters may not be eligible to receive financial aid or veterans’ benefits until a minimum 2.0 accumulated GPA has been achieved at the individual student’s expense.
  7. The Veterans’ Administration will be notified when a student receiving VA benefits remains on academic probation for two consecutive semesters or is dismissed for unsatisfactory progress.
  8. Transfer students shall be subject to all regulations from the beginning of their enrollment at MCC.
  9. Students will be notified through MCC student e-mail when they are placed on academic probation or academic dismissal.

Academic Amnesty

Academic amnesty is designed to give a student a reasonable second chance by providing an opportunity to remove a certain portion of course work from grade point average computation.

To qualify for academic amnesty, a student must have an overall GPA of 1.99 or below, and a minimum of three years must have elapsed between the time of the poor academic performance and the granting of the request for academic amnesty.

Academic amnesty will apply to no more than the first 30 credit hours attempted and these 30 hours may not be accumulated over more than the first three semesters of enrollment. Amnesty will apply to all courses taken during the period for which it is granted, regardless of the grade earned. Courses for which the student received a passing grade during this period may be applied toward completion of program requirements but grades for these courses will not be calculated in the student’s grade point average. Academic amnesty is irrevocable.

All courses and grades will remain on the student’s transcript with a notation that academic amnesty has been granted for the period approved. A student for whom academic amnesty has been granted may not receive graduation honors recognition.

Academic amnesty will be granted to a student only once. To apply for academic amnesty, a student should contact the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services. After applying for amnesty, the student must complete six credit hours with a minimum 2.0 grade point average. Coursework being taken at the time of the request for amnesty will not be considered as part of this requirement. Upon completion of these requirements, the student must contact the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services to complete the amnesty approval process.


Degrees & One-Year Certificates

Graduation is the verification of program completion. Students who wish to receive their diplomas and have the completion of their degrees or certificates verified and noted on their transcripts must individually submit an application for graduation. Students are urged to apply for graduation one semester before the semester in which they expect to complete their programs. The Dean of Student and Enrollment Services will certify graduation eligibility and inform students of courses still needed, if any.

Commencement is the ceremony at which candidates for graduation are recognized for their anticipated achievements. Students who participate in commencement should not assume that they have successfully completed all program requirements until they receive verification from the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services.

A student has five years to complete a program under the MCC catalog in effect at the time of initial acceptance or after making a program change.  Students may also choose to complete program requirements in any succeeding catalog. If program requirements are changed in response to demands of external regulatory agencies or governing boards, students must meet those requirements.

To be eligible for graduation, candidates for degrees and certificates must:

  1. Complete course and credit hour requirements as outlined in the catalog for a chosen program. A minimum of 60 credits is required for an associate degree and 30 credits for a certificate; courses numbered less than 100, such as, ENGL 050  or MATH 050  are not counted toward minimum credits needed for program completion. All approved course substitutions or waivers must be in writing and a copy of the signed course waiver/substitution form must be in the student’s academic file.
  2. Maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher. Nursing students must meet grade requirements as noted for the nursing program.
  3. Associate Degree-earn 25 percent or a minimum of 15 credits (of courses required in the degree program), whichever is greater. Certificate-earn 25 percent or a minimum of 8 credits (of courses required in the certificate program), whichever is greater.
  4. Apply for graduation using the electronic form located in MyMontcalm.
  5. Have no unpaid balance on their accounts with the college. Students with outstanding balances will not be eligible to participate in commencement or receive their diplomas or grade reports until their accounts are paid.
  6. Have completed Loan Exit Counseling, if required.
  7. Have no defaulted educational loans.

All students receiving one or more degrees or one-year certificates who graduate during the academic year are invited and encouraged to participate in the annual May commencement ceremony.

Job Training Programs

Students completing Job Training programs must complete an individual application to receive a certificate of completion and have the program completion noted on their transcripts. Students who complete Job Training programs are not eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony.

To be eligible to receive their certificates of completion, candidates must:

  1. Complete course and credit hour requirements as outlined in the catalog for their chosen programs. All course substitutions or waivers must be in writing and a copy of the signed course waiver/substitution form must be in the student’s academic file.
  2. Maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  3. Earn a minimum of 25 percent or a minimum of 4 credits (of courses required in the job training program), whichever is greater.
  4. Apply for the certificate of completion.
  5. Have no unpaid balances on their accounts with the college. Students with outstanding balances will not receive their certificates of completion, transcripts or grade reports until their accounts are paid.
  6. Have completed Loan Exit Counseling, if required.
  7. Have no defaulted educational loans.

Registration Appeal

A Registration Appeal allows a student, under specific and rare circumstances, to arrange for a withdrawal from coursework and a possible tuition refund. Circumstances may include military deployment, serious medical conditions, and/or family related illness or death.

The Registration Appeal application and instructions are located in MyMontcalm, under the Academics Tab in the Forms link. All appeals will be reviewed and a decision will be communicated to the student via postal or e-mail. The outcome of the appeal is irreversible.

Requests for a Registration Appeal do not necessarily include a change in the grade for the academic transcript. The academic appeal process should be used by the student who wishes to appeal the grade given for a course. That process is located in the “Academic Appeal” section of this catalog.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 provides for the protection of a student’s right to privacy of information which MCC has in its possession. It also provides a reasonable guideline for release or disclosure of such information as is required by federal and state law and as is necessary for the effective functioning of the college. MCC accords all the rights under the law to all students.

As a part of the college’s instructional program improvement efforts, and to meet the requirements of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act, Section 113 and the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Section 122, MCC may use student Social Security Numbers to compile certain data for the purpose of instructional program improvement and Perkins and WIA reporting.

  1. Students have the right to inspect and review their educational records and to receive copies of any such records at a minimal cost.
  2. Student files are maintained in Student Services and the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services is responsible for their upkeep. Financial aid and Veterans’ records are maintained in Financial Aid. Appropriate MCC personnel have access to student records.
  3. Students wishing to inspect their records may do so by contacting the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services.
  4. MCC will not disclose personally identifiable information from students’ records without prior written consent except for directory information as defined in the Buckley Amendment Final Regulations Sub Part A 99.3. Definitions. Directory information includes the student’s name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, major field of study, full- or part-time status, participation in officially recognized activities, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received and date conferred, honors recognition, including selection for honorary organizations and the GPA range for selection, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended and other similar information. Students have the right to refuse permission of their inclusion in directory information. Students may request of Enrollment Services in writing each semester, that MCC withhold all information pertaining to them.
  5. MCC will, for each request and for each disclosure of personally identifiable information, maintain a record. This record may be inspected by the student.
  6. Students who believe that information contained in their records is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their privacy or other rights may request of the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services that their records be amended.
  7. Students who experience difficulties in viewing records, receiving copies, affecting amended changes, etc., may request a hearing with the college President and, if their issue remains unresolved, may file their concern with the Department of Education.

Policy Against Discrimination

MCC complies with applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination, including Title IX of the education amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Michigan Handicappers’ Civil Rights Act. It is the policy of Montcalm Community College that no person; on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status, height, weight, disability or Vietnam-era veteran status; shall be discriminated against in employment, educational programs, activities or admissions. In addition, arrangements can be made to ensure that the lack of English-language skills is not a barrier to admission or participation. MCC Vice President for Administrative Services is MCC’s EEO Officer/Title IX-Section 504 Coordinator and may be reached by calling (989) 328-2111.

Grievance Procedures

The following MCC grievance procedures are based on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, and Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act.

Section I

If any person believes that Montcalm Community College or any part of the school organization has inadequately applied the principles and/or regulations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, and Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, he or she may bring forward a complaint, which shall be referred to as a grievance, to the local civil rights coordinator, the Vice President for Administrative Services, 2800 College Drive, Sidney, Michigan 48885-9723, (989) 328-2111.

Section II

The person who believes he or she has a valid basis for grievance shall discuss the grievance informally and on a verbal basis with the local Civil Rights Coordinator, who shall in turn investigate the complaint, and reply with an answer to the complainant. He or she may initiate formal procedures according to the following steps.

Step 1: A written statement of the grievance signed by the complainant shall be submitted to the local Civil Rights Coordinator within five business days of receipt of answers to the informal complaint. The coordinator shall further investigate the matters of grievance and reply in writing to the complainant within five days.

Step 2: If the complainant wishes to appeal the decision of the local Civil Rights Coordinator, he or she may submit a signed statement of appeal to the college President within five business days after receipt of the coordinator’s response. The President shall meet with all parties involved, formulate a conclusion, and respond in writing to the complainant within 10 business days.

Step 3: If the complainant remains unsatisfied, he or she may appeal through a signed, written statement to the MCC Board of Trustees within five business days of receipt of the President’s response in step two. In an attempt to resolve the grievance, the Board of Trustees shall meet with the concerned parties and their representative within 40 days of the receipt of such an appeal. A copy of the Board’s disposition of the appeal shall be sent to each concerned party within 10 days of this meeting.

Step 4: If at this point the grievance has not been satisfactorily settled, further appeal may be made to the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20201. Inquiries concerning the nondiscriminatory policy may be directed to Director, Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20201.

The local coordinator, on request, will provide a copy of the college’s grievance procedure and investigate all complaints in accordance with this procedure.

A copy of each of the acts and the regulations on which this notice is based may be found in the coordinator’s office.

Code of Student Conduct

Students enrolled at Montcalm Community College are expected to conduct themselves as responsible adult men and women at all times. Students are subject to the jurisdiction of the college and civil authorities during their period of enrollment.

Students must follow generally accepted rules of good conduct. Any student behavior which violates these accepted practices, whether or not it is expressly forbidden, may subject the student to penalty. The Dean of Student & Enrollment Services evaluates complaints of student misconduct and has the authority to require a student to follow disciplinary steps before returning to class within the semester. Enforcement of MCC rules and regulations is the responsibility of the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services. The student has the right to appeal any decision through established procedures.

Acts that seriously interfere with the basic purposes, necessities and processes of the academic community or that deny the essential rights of other students, faculty, staff or other citizens of the community will not be tolerated by MCC. Such acts are prohibited and may lead to probation, dismissal from the college and/or civil prosecution. The following rules and regulations are to serve as a guide to student conduct.


The individual student is responsible for observing the laws enacted by federal, state and local governments as well as the rules and regulations established by MCC.

Demonstrations and Assembly

No person or persons shall assemble or demonstrate in a manner which obstructs the free movement of persons about the campus or the normal use of college buildings and facilities or obstructs the established operation of MCC.

College and Individual Property

The property and rights of others are to be respected at all times. Theft of any kind and destruction or mutilation of college or another individual’s property is prohibited. Students are expected to use receptacles for trash, food waste, and food and drink containers.

Alcoholic Beverages and Drugs

Any student drinking, under the influence of, or possessing alcoholic beverages on college property is subject to immediate disciplinary action. Students shall obey all federal, state and local laws pertaining to the use of drugs of any kind. Failure to obey these laws may result in probation, dismissal from the college and/or civil prosecution.

Smoking/Tobacco Use

MCC is a tobacco-free and vapor-cigarette free college. Students will not smoke or use tobacco or use vapor cigarettes (or any item exhibiting a smoke-like substance) at any MCC site, including on-campus and off-campus locations.

Firearms, Explosives or Weapons

MCC is a weapon-free campus.  Possession or use of firearms, firecrackers, explosives, toxic or dangerous chemicals, other lethal weapons, equipment or any material that can be construed as a weapon is not permitted on college property or at college or student sponsored functions. Possession of any of these items may result in probation, dismissal from the college and/or civil prosecution.


Gambling of any kind, on campus or at college or student-sponsored events, is prohibited.

Cheating - Plagiarism

All students are expected to be honest in their studies. Dishonesty in completing assignments, examinations or other academic endeavors is considered an extremely serious violation of the rights of others at MCC and is subject to severe disciplinary action. Plagiarism, the failure to give credit for ideas, thoughts or material taken from another, is cheating. Cheating may result in failing grades, probation, and/or dismissal from the college.


Students are expected to dress appropriately and in keeping with the adult community of which the college student is a part. The college reserves the right to make specific recommendations.

Parking and Speed Limits

All students are to park in designated parking areas only. Students are to observe posted speed limits and obey traffic regulations.


Students and prospective students are to give honest and complete replies to all questions and requirements included in all documents required by MCC.

Students are to keep the college informed of their current addresses and phone numbers while attending MCC.

General Behavior

Behavior considered inappropriate by the larger society, whether on campus or at a college-or student-sponsored activity, is subject to immediate disciplinary action.


MCC is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees and community members free from harassment, bullying or cyber-bullying. Therefore, bullying and cyber-bullying on campus or related to campus relationships or activities is prohibited. Initiation of, or participation in, harassment, bullying or cyber-bullying of students, staff, faculty or others will be subject to punishment up to and/or including probation, dismissal and/or civil prosecution.


Publications or advertisements not approved by MCC will not be authorized for posting or distribution on campus. Authorization to post or distribute materials may be obtained from the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services.

Financial Responsibility

Students are expected to keep current any financial indebtedness to the college. Students owing money to the college for tuition, fees, loans, library fines, etc., may be denied admission to classes and will be denied permission to register for a succeeding semester or summer session until such accounts are paid. If any accounts are outstanding at the close of an academic semester or summer session, the student’s grade report and/or release of official transcript will be delayed until such accounts are paid.

Provisions for Review of Disciplinary Decisions

It is understood that final authority for the Student Code of Conduct and all regulations rests with the MCC President.

Any MCC student who is subject to disciplinary action for conduct deemed to be illegal, unethical or not in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct shall have access to the following appeal process:

  1. Within 10 days of the date that the disciplinary decision is rendered, the aggrieved student must submit a written request to the MCC employee rendering the decision to request an opportunity to discuss the matter. The ensuing discussion between the student and MCC employee may take place in-person or by some other means of communication, such as e-mail or telephone. During that discussion the student must supply the MCC employee with a written explanation of his/her actions and concerns regarding the disciplinary decision. The MCC employee will explain to the student his/her reason for rendering the disciplinary action. Within 10 days following this discussion, the MCC employee may revise or uphold his/her original decision.
  2. If the student is satisfied with the decision of the MCC staff, the prescribed disciplinary action will remain in effect. If the student is not satisfied with the MCC employee’s decision, he/she will, within 14 calendar days of the decision, make a written request to the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services to review the decision. The Dean of Student and Enrollment Services will schedule a meeting with the student and the MCC employee to discuss the disciplinary action in accordance with MCC policy and seek a remedy of remaining conflicts. The Dean may consult other students, staff or others in an effort to obtain all pertinent facts. Within 10 days of the conclusion of this meeting, the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services will render a written decision.
  3. Within five days of the decision rendered by the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services, the aggrieved student or the MCC employee may submit a written request to the President of the College to review the decision.
  4. The review by the President shall be conducted in such a way as to assure both parties the right to provide supporting documentation, permission to question witnesses as needed, and such other processes as may be necessary to provide exposure to two points of view.
  5. Upon review of all documentation, issues and concerns, the President will render a decision, which will be final and binding on all parties.

Substance Abuse Policy and Procedure

The following information is presented in accordance with the Drug-free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.

Standards of Conduct

It is the policy of Montcalm Community College that the transportation, possession or consumption of an alcoholic beverage or a controlled substance on college property is prohibited.

Legal Sanctions

Students who use alcoholic beverages or controlled substances on college property face disciplinary action, suspension from the college, and/or prosecution under the law. Any person who sells, provides, transports, possesses or consumes alcoholic beverages or controlled substances on college property may face immediate arrest and prosecution under applicable federal, state and local laws. Penalties under these laws may include fines, imprisonment or both.

Health Risks

Use of alcohol or controlled substances can result in illness, injury or death.

Available Counseling and Treatment Programs

All MCC students and employees will have access to substance awareness workshops, seminars, and classes offered at the college. A student or employee who voluntarily seeks assistance to overcome substance abuse problems will receive counseling services on a confidential and non-punitive basis. When necessary, referral will be made to a community agency for assessment, prescribed treatment and follow-up.

Treatment programs are available at:
Montcalm Center for Behavioral Health
611 N. State, Stanton, MI 48888
(989) 831-7520

Students and employees participating in counseling or a prescribed programs are not exempt from college policies, procedures or rules.

Disciplinary Sanctions

Students and employees who illegally use alcoholic beverages or controlled substances on college property face disciplinary action, suspension from the college, and/or prosecution under the law.

Access to Campus Facilities

When facilities and classrooms are not needed for college educational purposes, MCC welcomes the surrounding community to utilize them. MCC expects that students, faculty, staff and the community will work together to preserve safe and well-maintained campus facilities. Students have access to MCC facilities except when the campus or any specific facility is closed or special events or projects prevent access. General public access to facilities such as the gym and pool is authorized only during scheduled times. Faculty access to MCC facilities is authorized if utilized for college-related business.

Emergency Procedures

Montcalm Community College does not provide medical care beyond basic first aid. If an emergency condition is such that a person is incapable of a rational decision, a college employee will initiate this procedure. Ambulance and hospital expenses shall be borne by the person, his or her family or his or her insurance company. The first college employee to become aware of personal injury or illness shall provide reasonable assistance and the Vice President for Administrative Services or Director of Human Resources will be alerted as soon as possible.


The first college employee on the scene will:

  1. Have someone call for an ambulance, if needed, and briefly and accurately describe the accident. Call 911 on an outside line.
  2. If possible, have someone contact the parent, guardian or spouse as a courtesy and calmly explain the situation. Otherwise, the ambulance personnel or the receiving hospital will follow up with the next of kin. The receiving hospital will depend on the patient’s preference and/or the seriousness of the accident.
  3. Remain with the patient until ambulance personnel arrive keeping him or her as comfortable as possible. Stay long enough to answer any questions the ambulance personnel may have.
  4. File an accident report form with the Director of Human Resources no later than the next regular business day.

NOTE: The Michigan State Police Operations Center provides a 24-hour school violence hotline. You can call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-815-TIPS to anonymously report threats of violence or illegal weapons on campus. Any risk of immediate harm should still be reported by calling 911. To call 911, you can use any telephone on campus, including the red courtesy phones located in each building. Contact the MCC Dean of Student and Enrollment Services for details at (989) 328-1276.

Threatening Disasters on or Near Campus

Fire or explosion in any building mandates evacuation with expeditious safety. The signal is a loud, constant fire horn which will continue to sound until it has been switched off by college personnel. Directions are as follows.

  1. Exit the building. All students, employees of the college, and any visitors must exit regardless of the weather.
  2. Use the nearest door to the outside.
  3. Persons restricted in mobility by crutches, casts, wheelchairs or other handicaps should request and receive assistance as needed. It is recommended that such handicapped persons exit after the first big rush (dependent upon circumstances) thus avoiding the possibility of being pushed off balance, but being certain that dependable assistants have been advised of their needs.


A tornado watch means a tornado may develop. A tornado warning means a tornado has been sighted in the area.

Safety Procedures

  1. If a tornado warning condition exists in the immediate vicinity, a message will be sent to all buildings. The fire alarm will not be used.
  2. The message will state: “A tornado has been sighted in the area. You are to proceed to the nearest tornado shelter which is indicated on the chart posted in each classroom. Your cooperation will facilitate safety for all.”

It is the responsibility of students and staff to be aware of the location of tornado shelters in all buildings.

Inclement Weather

Montcalm Community College will cancel all or part of its operations only in case of extreme emergency caused by impassible roads, violent weather, power outage or other conditions seriously endangering the health and safety of students, faculty and staff.

Every effort will be made to make the decision to cancel as early as possible, but no later than 7 a.m. for daytime classes and 3 p.m. for evening classes. Students may enroll in E2Campus, MCC’s emergency notification system by going to https://www.montcalm.edu/1351. Local radio and television stations will also be notified.

Students, faculty and staff should assume that the college is open unless they hear otherwise. They are asked not to call the college switchboard to ask about cancellations, but to refer to MCC’s website or listen for the information on the following radio or television stations:

Radio Stations

WGLM Greenville, 1380 AM & 106.3 FM
WOOD Grand Rapids, 1300 AM &105.7 FM
WION Ionia, 1430 AM & 92.7 FM
WCEN Mt. Pleasant, 1150 AM & 94.5 FM
WCFX Mt. Pleasant, 95.3 FM
WMLM St. Louis, 1520 AM
WFYC Alma, 1280 AM & 104.9 FM
WBBL Grand Rapids, 107.3 FM
WBFX Grand Rapids, 101.3 FM
WCSG Grand Rapids, 91.3 FM
WFGR Grand Rapids, 98.7 FM
WGRD Grand Rapids, 97.9 FM
WGVU Grand Rapids, 88.5 FM
WJQK Grand Rapids, 99.3 FM
WLAV Grand Rapids, 96.9 FM
WLHT Grand Rapids, 95.7 FM
WNWZ Grand Rapids, 1410 AM
WSNX Grand Rapids, 104.5 FM
WTKG Grand Rapids, 1230 AM
WTRV Grand Rapids, 100.5 FM
WVTI Grand Rapids, 96.1 FM

Television Stations (Check Cable Listings)

WOOD Grand Rapids, Channel 8
WGVU Grand Rapids, Channel 35
WXSP Grand Rapids, Channel 15
WZZM Grand Rapids, Channel 13
WLNS Lansing, Channel 6
WWMT Kalamazoo, Channel 3
WXMI Battle Creek, Channel 4
WOTV Battle Creek, Channel 4
WWTV Cadillac, Channel 9

Reporting Crimes and Emergencies

Preventing crime is a shared responsibility between Montcalm Community College and its campus community members. Public apathy is a criminal’s greatest ally. Suspicion is the only reason needed for calling the police. Suspicion of a crime does not require proof. Suspicious activity or any emergency on campus should be reported immediately.

General Situations

If a crime is being committed or has been committed, call or visit the Montcalm County Sheriff’s Office immediately. It is located at 659 N. State, Stanton, MI 48888. For emergencies, call 911.  An emergency is any situation needing immediate attention.

For non-emergencies call (989) 831-5253.

When calling the sheriff’s office, please provide name, location of the incident, description of the scene and suspects and description of any vehicle involved in the incident, including a license plate number.

Specific Situations

  1. Victims of a crime should call 911 as soon as possible. If it is an assault, try to remember as much about the person as possible. Important characteristics include: sex, race, hair color, hair length and texture, body size, clothing description, scars and other noticeable markings, mode of travel, type of vehicle, color of vehicle and license number. The campus will be searched immediately for suspects and neighboring police agencies will be notified. In many incidents, the victim may already know the name of the person committing the assault.
  2. Report a suspicious person immediately by calling 911. Do not approach the person. When reporting suspicious activity, describe the behavior and give a general description of the suspicious persons. Helpful descriptive information includes: the number of persons, sex, race, dress, vehicle and location. Sheriff’s deputies will investigate any report immediately.
  3. Call 911 immediately in the case of a bomb threat. Then, contact the office of the Vice President for Administrative Services located in the Donald C. Burns Administration/Library Building on MCC’s Sidney campus. If the office is closed, contact the Human Resources Office. If the Human Resources Office is closed, contact the custodian on duty in the Maintenance building (next to Instruction North). Obtain as much information from the caller as possible including the location of the bomb, the time of explosion and the type of bomb. Observe the caller’s voice and any background noises. Sheriff’s deputies will search the area identified and contact a removal team if a device is found. The sheriff’s office and college administrators will determine if evacuation is required.
  4. If there are any other emergencies such as a fire or a need for medical attention, call 911 immediately.

Campus Law Enforcement

MCC’s campus law enforcement policy is based on the desire to ensure the reasonable safety of persons visiting or utilizing the college campuses. Practical response considers the location of campuses, the peak time periods of use, the range of persons who have access to the campuses, available law enforcement, college resources, legal obligations and the crime rate in the surrounding community.

Security concerns at MCC are coordinated through the Vice President for Administrative Services. The Montcalm County Sheriff’s Office and other local police agencies administer law enforcement responsibilities. Twenty-four-hour patrol, dispatch services and emergency services are coordinated with local municipal emergency and law enforcement agencies.

MCC shall make timely reports to the campus community of crimes considered to be a threat to other students and employees. These reports include crimes as described in the Annual Security Report and are reported to local law enforcement agencies. The reports shall be provided to students and employees in a timely manner to help prevent similar occurrences.

Crime Prevention

MCC recognizes the benefits of both preventative and reactive efforts. Crime prevention is best achieved through interaction with and outreach to students, faculty and staff. Campus safety and crime prevention is a shared responsibility between MCC students and employees.

Crime prevention at MCC is part of a community-based program. The main goal is to improve the quality of life for members of the campus community. MCC’s crime prevention program stresses community awareness/interaction through the dissemination of materials and presentations geared toward students, faculty and staff. MCC’s annual efforts include:

  1. Posting of crime prevention awareness information in college buildings.
  2. Disseminating crime prevention material in handbooks.
  3. Utilizing county and state police crime prevention specialists as speakers.
  4. Disseminating the Annual Security Report to all current employees and students and to all prospective employees and students who request it.