2023-2024 Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BIOL 271 - Study Abroad: Science

3 Credit: (1 lecture, 2 lab, 0 clinical) 3 Contact Hours:

This short-term study abroad course allows students to experience other countries, developing a sense of diversity, cultural perspective, and regional awareness. Prior to departure, students will engage in general and discipline specific preparation. BIOL271 students will examine climate, ecology, human health, scientific careers and scientific applications. Students will explore differences and commonalities between the United States and country(ies) visited through observation and participation in structured activities while in the host country. Upon returning, students will reflect on the impact and value of the study abroad experience. 
OFFERED: summer semesters

Course Goals/ Objectives/ Competencies:
Goal 1:  Demonstrate knowledge of the host country. 

  1. Define shared components of cultures. 

  1. Recognize the various aspects of host country’s values. 

  1. Examine subcultures of the host country. 

Goal 2:  Engage as a global citizen. 

  1. Participate in various cultural activities. 

  1. Describe differences and commonalities. 

  1. Demonstrate appreciation of the host country’s life ways. 

Goal 3:  Relate study abroad experience into one’s personal and professional life. 

  1. Articulate the value of study abroad experience. 

  1. Reflect on one’s own cultural identity. 

  1. Express the impact on your world view. 

Goal 4:  Explore scientific concepts within the context of the host country/region.

  1. Describe major climate and weather conditions occurring in the host country/region.
  2. Describe major natural landmarks in the host country/region. 
  3. Summarize similarities and differences between dominant plant species found in Michigan versus the host region. 
  4. Describe a common food chain in Michigan and in the host region. 
  5. Compare animal and/or crop agriculture in Michigan to the host country/region.
  6. Compare the most common diseases affecting and killing humans in the host country/region versus in the United States. 
  7. Describe common diets and nutritional issues in the host country/region.
  8. Summarize the most common scientific careers in the host country.  
  9. Describe any scientific concepts taught differently or not taught at all in the host country. 
  10. Explain how the host country/region perceives controversial science concepts or applications (such as stem cell use, climate change, vaccination, euthanasia, etc.)

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