2023-2024 Catalog 
    Feb 08, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Digital Arts A.A.S.

(Code 1550)

The Digital Arts Associate of Applied Science degree prepares students to work as a commercial artist while working towards creating their own multi-media up-start. Students will gain real-world experiences that will allow them to be competitive in today’s growing global media marketplace. Students will learn how to create and manipulate digital media with today’s leading photography and design software. Upon successful completion of this program, students will have a basic understanding of business planning and will have created a professional portfolio.

Upon completion of this program [CIP: 50.0605], graduates should be able to:

  • understand the fundamentals of commercial photography.
  • demonstrate the manipulation of digital images.
  • understand the fundamentals of graphic design.
  • demonstrate the use of editing and design software.
  • create a commercial art business plan and portfolio.

Please Note:

Prerequisite courses may apply to this program. A minimum of 60 unduplicated credits (100 level or higher) are required for all associate degree programs.

General Education Requirements

Life Skills

The following course prepares students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Life Skills (the skills needed to succeed in work-life including critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, professionalism, self-awareness, and self-management) and is required in the students’ first semester at MCC:

Written Communication

The following Michigan Transfer Agreement Recommended Courses prepare students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Written Communication, choose one:

Oral Communication

The following Michigan Transfer Agreement Recommended Courses prepare students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Oral Communication, choose one:

Laboratory Science

The following Michigan Transfer Agreement Recommended Courses prepare students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Application of Scientific Methodologies, choose one:


The following Michigan Transfer Agreement Recommended Courses prepare students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Basic Computational Methods and Mathematical Concepts and Applications, choose one:

Social Science

The following Michigan Transfer Agreement Recommended Courses prepare students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Local, National, and Global Citizenship, two required:

Take POLI 240  3 Credit: 


Choose one: