Feb 18, 2025
CMIS 190 - Records Management 3 Credit: (0 lecture, 3 open-lab, 0 clinical) 3 Contact Hours: [CMIS 115 or CMIS 258 ] This course presents the principles of the alphabetic, numeric, geographic, and subject systems of records management. Records maintenance, decision-making, and career opportunities in the records management field are also covered. Students utilize database software to manage records. OFFERED: fall and spring semesters
Course Goals/ Objectives/ Competencies: Goal 1: Demonstrate the ability to correctly store and retrieve records of varying types.
- Employ appropriate filing rules to efficiently and effectively index, file, code, and cross reference documents pertaining to businesses, governmental agencies, and social and service organizations.
- Identify the principle reasons for subject, geographic, chronological, numeric, and alphabetic filing systems.
- Apply steps to prevent misfiling.
- Explain and use checkout supplies–requisition, outguide, and tickler file.
- Compare centralized/decentralized and standard vertical/open-shelf filing.
Goal 2: Manage records using an electronic database.
- Examine methods used to file, sort, and retrieve electronic records.
- Investigate methods to insure data integrity and safety.
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