2024-2025 Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog



Admission Policy

As an open admissions college, Montcalm Community College (MCC) operates as an inclusive institution, welcoming all individuals who aspire to pursue education. Regardless of age or educational background, MCC extends its resources to those who have the desire to learn and grow. If you are 18 years or older, have graduated from high school, or hold a high school diploma or GED, you meet the eligibility criteria for enrollment as either a degree-seeking or non-degree seeking student.

MCC accommodates younger learners, including those under 18, through programs such as dual enrollment, Early College enrollment, fulfilling homeschooling requirements, or simply as non-degree seeking students. It’s worth noting that while admission to the college is open, entry into certain academic programs may entail specific prerequisites. Please see the secondary admission section.

For individuals over 18 or high school graduates without a diploma or GED, selected coursework options are available, though federal or state financial aid through MCC may not be accessible. It’s our commitment to foster a supportive environment where everyone can access educational opportunities and achieve their goals.

New Student Enrollment Process

A Prospective Student Should:

  • apply for admission;
  • apply for financial aid (recommended);
  • provide official proof of high school or GED completion;
  • activate student e-mail account;
  • complete guided self-placement
  • complete new student mandatory orientation; meet with an advisor or counselor; register for classes; 
  • arrange payment for classes.

Admission Application

Applications for Admission are available on the MCC website at www.montcalm.edu/apply-now. There is no application fee.

Transfer students may apply online. Official transcripts from previously attended colleges or universities must be sent directly from those institutions to MCC.

Students who are admitted and do not attend within 24 months of acceptance must reapply. Students who return to MCC after five years of non-attendance must also reapply.

Academic Placement

Academic placement is required for students who graduated more than 10 years ago from high school, had a 2.5 or lower high school GPA, or who cannot provide proof of high school completion/GPA and are pursuing a program of study at MCC. MCC offers Guided Self-Placement where students complete a placement in reading, writing, and math on their own. Students exempt from the placements are those who have a high school GPA of 2.5 or higher within the last 10 years, previously completed the ACCUPLACER assessment within the last five years, have earned an associate or higher degree, are age 60 or older, audit classes, or obtain a waiver from the instructor.

Students may access the placements here:

Reading & Writing


After the placements are complete, students are encouraged to meet with a counselor or advisor for assistance in making an informed decision on course placement. Appointments with a counselor or advisor may be scheduled by calling the Student Success Center at 989-328-1264 or texting the Student Success Center at 989-625-4886.

Secondary Admissions

Students who intend to apply to nursing or another allied health program must also meet the admission requirements for that particular program. General standards required by the health care professions include, but are not limited to, drug screens, finger printing, criminal background checks, immunizations, and other required documentation and certifications.

Admissions requirements for these programs are outlined with the program description in this catalog.

Admission of Non-Degree Seeking Students

Applicants who wish to take selected courses for personal interest or enrichment should indicate this on their Application for Admission. These applicants are not required to submit college transcripts, but must complete entry requirements for specific courses. Non-degree applicants are not eligible for federal or state financial aid.

Admission of High School, Middle School and Elementary School Students

Students who wish to enroll in MCC courses prior to graduation from high school should meet with their school counselor to submit an Application for Admission (i.e. Dual-Enrollment, Early College, etc…) and discuss readiness for college coursework.

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment is an educational option for high school students. Students are officially enrolled in high school and simultaneously enrolled in one or more college classes. The classes may be taken for college and/or high school credit. The student’s high school may pay for tuition, fees and required books. Students may be required to pay for some of the cost of attendance. Students interested in dual enrollment must contact their high school counselor or principal for eligibility requirements and authorization to register. Students must meet all college admission and registration requirements. For additional information, visit www.montcalm.edu/dual-enrollment.

Early College: 

At Early College, students benefit from a personalized learning environment that fosters the development of critical thinking skills within an innovative curriculum that promotes excellence in the fields of math, English, social studies and science. Students will spend their entire school day at Montcalm Community College for grades 11-13. Please visit one of our participating high schools for an application OR contact Shannon Tripp. Email Shannon at earlycollege@montcalm.edu or call 616-225-5706. For additional information, visit the Early College page on MCC’s website.

Guest Students from Other Colleges/Universities

Students currently enrolled at other colleges or universities may attend MCC on a guest student status by completing a Michigan Uniform Guest Student Application, available from the admissions office at the institution where the student is enrolled, or from MCC’s website at www.montcalm.edu/apply-now and select Guest Student Application.

International Students

International students must complete an International Student Application for Admission as well as an MCC Application for Admission; both are available on the MCC website at www.montcalm.edu/apply-now and select International Student Process. 

International students who wish to have international post-secondary credit transferred to MCC must submit a course-by-course credit evaluation available through either World Educational Services (WES) or the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO).

New Student Orientation

We’re excited to be your partner in success! We believe that orientation is very important, which is why we invite all students to complete the New Student Orientation process before registering for courses. The orientation process includes a campus tour, an opportunity to talk with an academic advisor and register for classes, earn Centurion swag, meet other students, and more! Visit Orientation | Montcalm Community College today to reserve your spot!

Academic Advisement

Academic counselors and advisors are available to assist students with academic planning and defining educational goals. Counselors/Advisors guide students regarding course selection, meeting education and program requirements, dropping and adding courses, petitioning procedures and issues related to transfer. Academic advising is a collaborative effort between counselors or advisors and the students. Students are expected to read all pertinent MCC student information and participate in the advising process. Students are encouraged to meet with a counselor or advisor prior to registering, and at least once per semester.