2024-2025 Catalog 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Student Services


Registration includes enrolling in courses and paying tuition and fees. Registration dates, times and options are outlined on the MCC website at www.montcalm.edu and the MCC student portal at my.montcalm.edu.

Academic Counseling/Advising

Licensed professional counselors and academic advisors are available to assist students. Course advisement, assessment and interpretation, special needs, academic guidance, career exploration and career decision-making, personal counseling referrals and other counseling services are available. Appointments may be made by contacting the Student Success Center at (989) 328-1264. More information can be found on the MCC website at Counseling/Advising Montcalm Community College.

General Information

Emergency procedures, class schedules, and other general college information topics are handled in Student Services, located in the Burns Administration building on MCC’s Sidney campus. Lost and found is located at the Recreation Desk in the Activities building.

Academic Placement

Academic placement is required for new students who are pursuing a program of study at MCC. MCC offers Guided Self-Placement where students complete a self-evaluation in reading, writing, and math on their own and will receive feedback to make a responsible choice about class placements. Students exempt from Guided Self-Placement are those who have earned an associate degree or higher, have completed or transferred in both college level English AND math, are age 60 or older, or audit classes.

Students may access the placements here:

Reading & Writing


After the self-evaluations are completed, students are encouraged to meet with a counselor or advisor for assistance in making an informed decision on course placement. Appointments with a counselor or advisor may be scheduled with the Student Success Center by calling 989-328-1264, texting 989-625-4886, or emailing studentsuccess@montcalm.edu.

GED Testing

Information about scheduling the General Educational Development (GED) test is available by calling MCC’s Greenville Campus at (616) 754-7706 or Sidney Campus (989) 328-1295.

Student Records

Grade reports are available to students at the end of each semester of enrollment, in the MyMontcalm web portal. This information is not available by telephone. Neither grade reports nor transcripts are released to students who have outstanding financial obligations to MCC, or who have defaulted on student loans. Grade reports and unofficial transcripts can be viewed and printed through a secure link in MyMontcalm. If a student believes that the grade posted for a class is incorrect, he/she may pursue an Academic Appeal. The archived transcript shall be considered the student’s permanent academic record.

Students may request transcripts through the MCC website at www.montcalm.edu under the Alumni tab. No transcripts will be issued for students who have outstanding financial obligations to MCC or who have defaulted on student loans.

Unofficial copies of transcripts may be printed through MyMontcalm.

Transcripts, and other documents from other institutions, including high schools, cannot be released or copied.

Career Planning Services

Career Services are available to all students from undecided to beyond graduation. Contact Career Advisor, Amy Zdanowski at amyz@montcalm.edu or 989.328.1234 for additional information. The Career Services page at montcalm.edu/career services contains multiple career planning resources and a link to schedule a career advising appointment. We also offer a one-credit career exploration and planning course (GNST 110 - Career Development ).

Tutoring Services

MCC offers free academic tutoring assistance to students. Tutoring is available in-person or via Teams for one hour per week per course. Online tutoring is also available through NetTutor. NetTutor is accessible in Canvas. For any questions or assistance in scheduling tutoring, please contact the Student Success Center by calling 989-328-1264, texting 989-625-4886, or visiting the Center in the Student Services of the Administration Building on the Sidney Campus. Information is also available at Academic Tutoring | Montcalm Community College

Accessibility Services

MCC’s Accessibility Services assist students in overcoming barriers so that they can focus on their education.

Students with disabilities often face significant challenges. A reasonable academic accommodation ensures equal access and equal opportunity to participate in MCC’s courses, services, activities and facilities. MCC is not obligated to provide an accommodation that requires a substantial change in the curriculum or alteration of any essential elements or functions of a program.

MCC adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment (ADAAA) of 2008, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and require Montcalm Community College to make reasonable accommodations for those otherwise qualified individuals with a disability who request accommodations.

Establishing Eligibility for Accessibility Services

Accessibility services are available to all students with a disability. Students needing services should apply and register for classes early. To establish eligibility, the student must contact Accessibility Services by phone at 989-328-1264, or in person in the Student Success Center in the Administration Building on MCC’s Sidney campus. To be considered for Accessibility Services, students must:

  1. Complete and submit an Accessibility Services Intake Form;
  2. Submit appropriate documentation from a qualified professional describing the disability and how it impacts the student’s education as well as outlining suggested accommodations. If no documentation currently exists, the Medical Information Form may assist the professional providing documentation;
  3. Meet with the Student Success counselor to determine appropriate accommodations;
  4. Complete and sign an accommodation support agreement. They will be available in the Student Success Center, and the student will sign in acknowledgement of the accommodations at the time of pick up;  
  5. Accommodations can be adjusted upon student request.

Receiving Accommodations

Accommodations are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and re-evaluated every semester. To receive accommodations in a timely manner, students must meet with the Student Success counselor and register for classes early. To receive accommodations for the semester, the student must:

  1. Register for classes early.
  2. Meet with a counselor to determine services and accommodations.
  3. Provide faculty with outline of qualifying accommodations provided by the counselor. The outline of accommodations will not include details relating to the student’s disability or any other clinical information about the student.
  4. Meet with each individual faculty member to establish the accommodations for the class.