2024-2025 Catalog 
    Feb 08, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Community Education

Montcalm Community College is dedicated to providing educational experiences for all residents in our community. Noncredit courses, workshops and seminars offered help to prepare for the challenges of the 21st century by providing current and useful information on both personal and professional topics of interest.


NONCREDIT COURSES for professional and personal development are offered throughout the year. These change along with the needs of the community. Courses may include computer instruction, management training, builder’s pre-licensure preparation, SCECH’s for teachers and a variety of online courses. Noncredit courses are available on MCC’s campus, online and throughout the community. Registration for noncredit and recreation courses is accepted online, by mail, in-person and by phone (if paying by credit card). The tuition waiver for senior citizens is not available for noncredit and recreation courses. To discover more about learning opportunities, click here.

RECREATION AREAS are popular with all ages. Community members can swim in MCC’s NCAA-sized pool, train in the weight room, climb our indoor rock climbing wall, or simply play a fun game of three-on-three basketball. The MCC fitness center is an air-conditioned, self-directed exercise center featuring state-of-the-art fitness equipment, treadmills, stationary bicycles and a free-weight area. The MCC climbing wall is the only indoor climbing wall in Montcalm County. After instruction in the basic techniques of climbing, successful students are issued authorization cards that permit use of the wall during open climbing sessions. Students in the criminal justice program will use these facilities to complete CRIM 105 . MCC’s gym, swimming pool and fitness center are also open to the public during designated hours.


SUMMER DAY CAMPS for children offer a learning experience in a fun environment.

MCC’s LIFE-LONG LEARNERS (LLL) program addresses the desire of citizens to continue learning by offering presentations or noncredit courses at a nominal fee. The LLL is open to all persons regardless of previous education. Members govern the group and lead some of the academic coursework in lieu of professional faculty. Members enjoy academic pursuits without concern for credit, grades or prerequisites.

SPECIAL EVENTS focus on cultural, economic and social topics and are available to the community throughout the year.

For information about current courses and recreational opportunities, visit www.montcalm.edu or e-mail community@montcalm.edu.