2024-2025 Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog
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ECDV 120 - Child Development: Preschool/School Age

3 Credit: (3 lecture, 0 lab, 0 clinical) 3 Contact Hours: [Pre- or co-requisite: ECDV 110 ]

This course provides students with knowledge of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development during the preschool and early elementary school age years. This will include the incorporation of basic theory, developmental principles, diversity, behavior management techniques, safety, health, and nutritional issues. Students will spend 30 hours observing preschoolers and school age children in the field.
Semesters Offered: spring semesters

Course Goals/ Objectives/ Competencies:
Goal 1:  Demonstrate understanding of developmental theory, research design, and social laws/expectations regarding the care and education of young children.

  1. Articulate what developmentally appropriate practice is and how it is determined.
  2. Summarize key historical theorists and researchers in the field of child development.
  3. Identify modern theoretical perspectives on child development.
  4. Articulate methodology to help incorporate and promote diversity within the classroom.

Goal 2:  Demonstrate an understanding of normative physical, perceptual, emotional, and social development for preschool children.

  1. Summarize primary physical changes and normative patterns of physical development during preschool.
  2. Identify primary factors related to health and safety of preschool children.
  3. Explain main theories related to emotional development during preschool.
  4. Describe the primary emotional developmental challenges faced by preschoolers.
  5. Explain normative patterns of social development and interactions expected for preschool age children.

Goal 3:  Demonstrate an understanding of behavior management techniques and normative moral, social, cognitive, and language development of preschool children.

  1. Identify normative development of moral cognition and behaviors.
  2. Summarize different parenting and discipline techniques.
  3. Articulate the primary concepts and components of operant conditioning.
  4. Explain how operant conditioning can be applied to manage behaviors.
  5. Summarize normative cognitive and language abilities during this age.
  6. Identify normative patterns of literacy and writing development.

Goal 4:  Demonstrate an understanding of normative physical and perceptual development of early school age children, types and signs of child abuse, and the responsibility of being a mandated reporter.

  1. Summarize normative physical and perceptual abilities between ages five and nine.
  2. Explain normative patterns of peer relationships and gender awareness during between ages five and nine.
  3. Identify healthy nutritional and exercise patterns for children between the ages of five and nine.
  4. Summarize different types and indicators of child abuse and maltreatment.
  5. Articulate the responsibilities and processes related to being a mandated reporter of child abuse and neglect.

Goal 5:  Demonstrate an understanding of normative emotional, social, cognitive, language, and literacy development during the early school age years.

  1. Summarize the primary theoretical approaches used to explain emotional and moral development between ages five and nine.
  2. Articulate normative patterns of peer interactions and gender awareness between ages five and nine.
  3. Explain normative and non-normative expectations of attention and cognitive ability between ages five and nine.
  4. Summarize expected normative language abilities for children between the ages of five and nine.
  5. Identify different approaches to literacy instruction and factors that impact the development of literacy.

Goal 6:  Apply course concepts regarding optimal care techniques and normative development to a real-world context.

  1. Conduct observations of actual child care services.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to apply content from the course to the real-world observations that have been conducted.

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