2024-2025 Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog
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PSYC 235 - Lifespan Development

3 Credit: (3 lecture, 0 lab, 0 clinical) 3 Contact Hours: [PSYC 120 ]

This course investigates factors that influence development from birth to death. Topics covered include research methodology, heredity, prenatal development, infancy, toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, old age, and death and dying.
Semesters Offered: fall semesters

Course Goals/ Objectives/ Competencies:
Goal 1:  Display knowledge of developmental theories, research methodology, heredity, genetics, prenatal developmental stages, risks to prenatal development, birth, and neonatal development.

  1. Summarize the primary developmental theories from the field.
  2. Explain different research methodologies and their application.
  3. Articulate interactions between hereditary and environmental factors for development.
  4. Summarize the stages of prenatal development.
  5. Explain health risks for prenatal development.
  6. Explain the birth process and normal neonatal development patterns.

Goal 2:  Display knowledge of developmental patterns of physical, social, cognitive, emotional, self, and language development during infancy, toddlerhood, and early childhood.

  1. Explain how experiences influence brain development in the first few years of life.
  2. Summarize normative physical patterns of development in infancy, toddlerhood, and early childhood.
  3. Explain primary components and processes of language development.
  4. Summarize cognitive development in infancy, toddlerhood, and early childhood.
  5. Articulate factors that influence attachment formation and social/emotional development.
  6. Explain theories and factors that influence the development of self during early childhood.
  7. Identify appropriate and inappropriate care procedures for early childhood.

Goal 3:  Display knowledge of developmental patterns of physical, social, cognitive, emotional, self, and moral development during middle childhood, late childhood, and adolescence.

  1. Summarize normative physical development patterns during middle and late childhood and adolescence.
  2. Explain theories and measurement techniques of intelligence.
  3. Describe current theory related to moral development.
  4. Summarize cognitive development patterns during middle and late childhood and adolescence.
  5. Explain factors that influence the development of self during adolescence.
  6. Summarize environmental factors that influence adolescence integration with culture and society.

Goal 4:  Display knowledge of factors that influence development in early and middle adulthood.

  1. Summarize current life challenges faced by young adults.
  2. Explain the influence of gender, sexuality, and relationships on the developing young adult.
  3. Describe characteristics of healthy and unhealthy romantic relationships.
  4. Summarize physical changes that occur in middle adulthood.
  5. Explain factors that influence our sense of self and accomplishment in middle adulthood.
  6. Discuss the influence of extended families and friendships upon the development of individuals in middle adulthood.

Goal 5:  Display knowledge of factors that influence development in late adulthood and issues related to the experiences of death and dying.

  1. Summarize current variations in ages of the modern population.
  2. Explain theories of aging.
  3. Articulate physical changes that occur with age.
  4. Describe factors that influence social experiences and sense of self during late adulthood.
  5. Summarize common causes of death.
  6. Explain cultural approaches towards death and dying.
  7. Describe the processes of grief and mourning.

Goal 6:  Apply knowledge from the course to real life situations.

  1. Apply theoretical concepts to a specific aspects of development.
  2. Use terminology from the course to describe developmental processes.

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