2024-2025 Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog
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AHEA 110 - Introduction to Exercise Science

3 Credit: (3 lecture, 0 lab, 0 clinical) 3 Contact Hours:

This course will explore the selected topics in the field of exercise science and other related health science disciplines, including: Exercise science history, anatomy and exercise physiology, exercise epidemiology, exercise nutrition, biomechanics, motor control and motor learning, and exercise and sport psychology. The course is an introductory course and is designed to introduce students to the field. 
Semesters Offered: even-year spring semesters

Course Goals/ Objectives/ Competencies:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Goal 1:  Define exercise science.

  1. Describe the research that established the field of exercise science.
  2. Explain important scientific achievements that have developed the discipline of exercise science.
  3. Identify the professional organizations associated with the practice of exercise science.
  4. Identify the current state, future directions, and career opportunities of exercise science.

Goal 2:  Identify and examine the requirements for prescreening a client prior to beginning exercise.

  1. Discuss legal and ethical issues in the practice of exercise science.
  2. Discuss all aspects of confidentiality as they relate to exercise science.
  3. Discuss personal and professional values and explore the role they play in determining the behavior of a healthcare provider.
  4. Identify ways to control the negative effects of stress.
  5. Identify the significance of cultural variations such as communication and attitudes towards health and wellness.
  6. Describe and demonstrate appropriate methods of greeting a patient.
  7. Describe the characteristics of a helping interview and demonstrate interviewing skills.
  8. Describe and demonstrate the appropriate method for administering an informed consent and/or health history questionnaire.
  9. Describe and explain the sections of the informed consent and/or health history questionnaire.
  10. Administer and interpret an informed consent and/or health history questionnaire using effective interview skills and interactions with a client.

Goal 3:  Develop an understanding of the importance of regular, lifelong physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Describe the metabolism of carbohydrates at rest and during exercise.
  2. Compare saturated, unsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  3. Describe the roles of vitamins and minerals for performing exercise.
  4. Define basal metabolic rate (BMR) and differentiate BMR in males and females.
  5. Describe how physical activity, dietary-induced thermogenesis, climate, body mass, pregnancy, and lactation affect energy expenditure.
  6. Describe how age, heredity, state and type of training, gender, and body composition affect maximal aerobic power in various exercises.

Goal 4:  List the components of an exercise prescription for healthy and clinical populations.

  1. Determine what data will need to be collected to ensure a complete exercise prescription.
  2. Demonstrate the procedures for evaluating body composition, including but not limited to body mass index, anthropometric measurements, and skinfold calipers.
  3. Determine target weights based on body fat analysis.
  4. Demonstrate the proper procedures used in the lower back evaluations.
  5. Demonstrate the proper procedures for evaluating flexibility.
  6. Demonstrate the proper procedures for evaluating muscular strength including, but not limited to grip dynamometers, sit-ups, push-ups, latissimus pull-downs, bench press, leg extensions, leg curls, arm curls, and one repetition maximum bench press.
  7. Prepare strength training, cardiovascular, and flexibility exercise prescription programs.
  8. Administer the Wingate cycle ergometer protocol.

Goal 5:  Discuss the professional standards that a program in exercise science should attain to prepare students for career opportunities.

  1. Demonstrate competence in the behaviors associated with professionalism.
  2. Formulate informed decisions about educational and career opportunities in exercise science.
  3. Describe the professional behaviors and attributes of the professional behaviors tool.
  4. Perform a self-assessment on each behavior of the professional behaviors tool at least one time during this course.

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