2024-2025 Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.

(Code 12124)

This program leads to an associate of applied science degree with an emphasis in new business development and provides the skills necessary for an entry-level job in the field of small business management. A counselor should be consulted if the student plans to transfer to a four-year institution.

Upon completion of this program [CIP: 52.0701], graduates should be able to:

  • demonstrate basic accounting principles.
  • demonstrate the principles of customer relations.
  • explain the basic concepts of management.
  • explain legal issues in business.
  • explain basic economic concepts.
  • demonstrate computer skills used in business.
  • demonstrate marketing principles used in small businesses.

Please Note:

Prerequisite courses may apply to this program. A minimum of 60 unduplicated credits (100 level or higher) are required for all associate degree programs.

General Education Requirements

Life Skills

The following course prepares students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Life Skills (the skills needed to succeed in work-life including critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, professionalism, self-awareness, and self-management) and is required in the students’ first semester at MCC: 

Written Communication

The following Michigan Transfer Agreement Recommended Courses prepare students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Written Communication, choose one:

Oral Communication

The following Michigan Transfer Agreement Recommended Courses prepare students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Oral Communication, choose one:

Laboratory Science

The following Michigan Transfer Agreement Recommended Courses prepare students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Application of Scientific Methodologies, choose one:


The following courses prepare students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Basic Computational Methods and Mathematical Concepts and Applications (MATH190 is also a Michigan Transfer Agreement Recommended Course), choose one:

Global and Cultural Awareness

The following Michigan Transfer Agreement Recommended Courses prepare students to meet MCC’s General Education Goal of Demonstrating Competence in Global and Cultural Awareness, two courses are required in total; divided amongst the subgroups below.